Diana Rivera, Ph.D., MA, PCC, is a licensed Clinical Psychologist in California (PSY#32485) and the owner of Empowerment Psychology, a professional psychology corporation.

About Dr. Rivera

Diana Rivera, Ph.D., MA, PCC, is a licensed Clinical Psychologist in California (PSY#32485) and the owner of Empowerment Psychology, a professional psychology corporation. Her formal education includes two Bachelors from the University of California at Santa Cruz in American Studies and Theatre Arts. She has a MA in Psychology with a specialization in Creativity Studies and a Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology from Saybrook University. She is a certified personal/professional development coach as designated by the International Coaching Federation. Her professional background includes decades of engagement as a veteran facilitator in performing arts education, professional development coaching to artists, youth, educators, and corporate America.  Her writing can be found in Darling Magazine.

Dr. Rivera’s informal education is a genuine mix of international travel, growing up in a highly diverse urban context, connecting to nature and community, and deep self-reflection.  Her empathic listening skills are attributed to foreign language acquisition, listening to music, spiritual practice, poetry, human interaction as a teacher and student of life.  Her observational skills and ability to see/feel beyond façades have much to do with being the child of an immigrant, reading/writing/training/creating in the arts and humanities, analyzing dreams/symbols, bonding with the magic and mystery of our world and the beings that roam it. 


I have successfully helped patients with the following concerns or interests:

  • Anxiety and depression

  • Bipolar I and II

  • Pain management

  • Obsessive-compulsive behavior

  • Acute stress disorder and PTSD

  • Borderline personality 

  • Narcissism and egocentrism

  • Perfectionism 

  • Professional stressors, workaholism

  • Impulsiveness related to anger

  • Interpersonal communication problems

  • Intimate partner violence

  • Physical health issues associated with HIV, cancer, vaccine injuries 

  • Interpersonal communication deficits

  • Autism and/or other neurodevelopmental or sensory concerns

  • Eccentric and gifted personalities

  • Lacking emotional awareness

  • Executive functioning issues

  • Healing from childhood, adolescent, and adult wounds

  • Sexual dysfunction and sexual trauma

  • Gender and sexuality concerns associated with LGBTQIA+ people

  • Identity issues for mixed ethnic and racial individuals

  • Cultural issues or assimilation into Western society

  • Leaving high-pressure religious organizations or cults

  • Academic and learning challenges

  • Processing the meaning of life, death, and grief

  • Maintaining recovery from disordered eating

  • Spiritual emergencies and emergence

  • Transitions such as the phase of life changes (becoming an adult, a single parent, etc.)

  • Relational issues with a partner, parents, siblings, friends, colleagues

  • Actualizing one’s creativity as an artist

  • Utilizing one’s potential for personal and/or professional reasons

  • Overcoming blocks to living one’s passion and purpose

  • Using entheogenic and other plant medicines for personal growth


LBGT Center, Los Angeles, CA
San Fernando Valley Community Mental Health Center, LA, CA
Paula E. Bruce Ph.D. & Associates, a Psychological Corporation, LA, CA


Major Gratitude

Major gratitude to my clinical, research, and professional supervisors:

Dr. Paula Bruce
Dr. Lee Myerhoff
Dr. Gerrian Wuts
Dr. Neil Schierholz
Dr. Dan Fast
Dr. Audrey Ham

Dr. Erin Kuntze
Dr. Theopia Jackson
Dr. Ruth Richards
Dr. Drake Spaeth
Dr. Terri Goslin-Jones
Dr. Steven Pritzker